SAT For Seniors

Seniors, please be at school at 7:55 am for the SAT.

All Students Pick Up Books/Class Schedule on September 11, 2024

All students must attend Foothill Preparatory School to pick up books and class schedules on September 11, 2024.


New Student Placement Exams

New students must attend Foothill Preparatory School on September 9, 2024, to take the placement exams (English and math). 

Graduation Class of 2024

Congratulations to the class of 2024. 

Terranova Complete Battery Test

All Students will take a TerraNova Complete Battery Test on Thursday, May 23, 2024 (830am-1205pm) and Friday, May 24, 2024 (830am-1205pm). 


The test includes English, Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science. 

Field Trip Whale Watching

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Whale Watching Field Trip. 

Easter Break (Spring Break) - No School (March 29 to April 7)

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, the event is said to have occurred three days after Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died in roughly A.D. 30. The holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ,” a series of events and holidays that begins with Lent—a 40-day period of fasting, prayer and sacrifice—and ends with Holy Week, which includes Holy Thursday (the celebration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his 12 Apostles, also known as “Maundy Thursday”), Good Friday (on which Jesus’ crucifixion is observed) and Easter Sunday. 


No School From March 29, 2024 to April 7, 2024. Students will return back to school on Monday, April 8, 2024

Christmas luncheon and Christmas vacation

Today begins the last week of school for the year 2023.  On Thursday,12/21/23 starting after 1st period, students will have an "activity day" led by the student council.  Then at noon, students, faculty, and members of the church will meet to celebrate Christmas will a luncheon. So no need to seed lunch on Thursday.  The School's Christmas vacation begins on Friday 12/22/23 and run through 1/7/24.  Our first day back from vacation will be on Monday 1/8/24.

As a staff we want to wish all of our home stays, and students a very blessed and safe Christmas vacation.


This year Veterans Day falls on Sat. Nov. 11.  Our school, like most schools will honor those who have served in the military or as first responder to keep our country free by observing the holiday on Friday Nov. 10th.  NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY NOV. 11. 

Enjoy a 3 day weekend and we will see you on Monday, Nov. 13.

Richard Swanson



This is a reminder that Friday Oct. 20th the WHOLE school will be taking a field trip to Eaton Canyon Falls.  We will car pool from school to the parking section, and from there students and teachers will hike up to the falls.  We will leave school about 8:30am and return to school for lunch.  

NO UNIFORMS are required on this day.  It will be very warm, so bring sun tan lotion, WATER, and maybe a snack and if you have a hat you should bring it.

Lunch will be back at school so bring what you normally bring on other days.  The afternoon schedule will like a normal Friday schedule.   Religion class, chapel, and activity time.  Dismissal at normal 4:00 pm.


I want to welcome all of our returning students back from a short summer break.  I also want to welcome all of our new students who will be joining our school this fall.  On Wed. 9/13 all students are expected to come to school to pick up your new class schedule, your books for each class, and have a PICTURE taken for your school ID.  When you finish with all that boring details, you will have time to take with our 3 new teachers.  This will give you a chance to get to know them before school starts.  They have been working very hard to make their classes interesting and challenging for each student.  

I hope as you begin this new year, you will challenge yourself to do the very best you can in each class.

See you tomorrow,


Mr. Swanson




To students, home stays, and family members,

The end of the year is here.  Today Tuesday 5/30/23 is the first day of the last week of classes.  This week teachers will be completing the unit they are on, and doing review for next week's testing. The following is the testing schedule:

ALL TESTS START AT 10:00 AM and can last until NOON.

Students will usually only have one test per day.

Monday 6/5   All English classes

Tuesday 6/6  All Math classes

Wednesday   All Social Studies classes (history and econ)

Thursday      All Science classes

Friday           1:00 pm - 2:00 return all books and take an exit interview

Friday           5:00 pm GRADUATION  (Attendance for ALL STUDENTS IS MANDATORY.)

                    All families, friends, home stays are invited to join in this celebration.

                    Light refreshments will be served after the service.


We will be starting the school's Easter Break at the end of this week.  Our break starts on Friday April 7, 2023 and lasts through Sunday April 16,2023.  During this break the school office will be closed. 

The Staff of FPS want to wish all our students a restful and safe Easter Break, and we will see you again IN CLASS on Monday April 17, 2023.  Have a great time away from school, but remember to be safe.

Up coming dates

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF: This Sunday begins "Daylight Savings Time".  That means the clocks get moved FORWARD  one hour.  This means it will stay light longer during the Spring and Summer months AND if you get up at the same time, you will have lost one hour of the day.  Welcome to the U.S.


The 3rd quarter ends March 31, 2023.  This will mark the half way point of the second semester.  Teachers will post quarter grades sometime during the following week.  

Finals and a new semester

Finals are almost over, the last final for the first semester will be given on Thursday 1/26 at 8:30 am.  There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday 1/27.  Teachers will be updating their grades in Sycamore.  

The school's second semester will begin on Monday 1/30th.  The school will be welcoming 5 NEW students in the next few weeks.  their arrived is based on travel issues.  When you see someone NEW please make them feel welcome and show them around the school.  

Then next government holiday is on Monday February 20th, there will be NO SCHOOL on this day.

January events

Here are some important dates for the month of January.  January 16TH is a Federal Holiday/ Martin Luther King's birthday. There will be NO SCHOOL  on that Monday.

On Saturday 1/14/23 the school along with members of the church will be celebrating the Chinese New Year with music and a dinner.  Our event will be from 5pm-7pm.  All students, parents and their home stay families are invited to join us to celebrate with music and food.

The week of 1/23-26 will be final exam testing. There will be ONLY ONE EXAM per day.

Monday 1/23       English

Tuesday 1/24       Math

Wednesday 1/25  Science

Thursday 1/26     Social Studies (History)

Friday      1/27     NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS  (teachers will be completing scoring exams and posting grades

Monday    1/30   FIRST DAY OF THE 2nd SEMESTER we will be welcoming some new students on that date. 


On Friday December 16 the school and members of the church celebrated Christmas with a luncheon which included hamburgers, hot dogs, and ribs and a lot of cookies.  We sang songs, worked on crafts, and enjoyed the fellowship.



Welcome to all of our NEW students and to our NEW teachers.  On Wednesday 9/14/22 we will be beginning another school year, and this time we will all be in a classroom with a teacher and the other students.  As Principal I am so happy to have everyone back in class instead of "online" teaching.   

As we grow our student body I hope all our students will make the newer students feel at home at FPS.

Let's all learn together and have fun while we are learning. 


Mr. Swanson


Christmas vacation

Attention all students and staff,

Just a reminder that Christmas vacation starts with the end of classes on Friday 12/17/21.  We will resume classes beginning on January 3, 2022.

I want to wish everyone a very blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.





This school year will begin on Tuesday, September 14, 2021. A big welcome to all of our students, those in China, and those who live here in the San Gabriel valley.  We will begin this year by having all classes online (either on Zoom or Wechat).  It is our hope that sometime this school year we will be able to SAFELY have classes at school; however, that can only happen if/when Covid is under control because the safety of our students and staff is the most import priority for the administration.

Tomorrow our school calendar will be published in Sycamore.  Please print a copy out to have at home.

I look forward to talking with each of you soon.


Mr. Richard Swanson





Finals Schedule for June 2020

Mon. 6/1 10:20-12:05   Period 1

Mon. 6/1  1:30-3:15     Period 6 (M/W)

Tue.  6/2 10:20-12:05   Period 2

Tue.  6/2   1:30-3:15    Period 6 (T/TH)

Wed. 6/3  8:30-10:15   Period 3

Wed. 6/3  10:20-12:05 Period 4


Students taking the AP make-up test on Monday 6/1 please make arrangements with your class teacher.


ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND HOMESTAYS, next Monday 2/17/2020 is President's Day and the school will be celebrating that day by taking it off--NO SCHOOL. 


Actually, we start our celebration by taking Friday afternoon off.  The school will get out at 12:05 pm on Friday 2/14/2020

Field trip Friday 2/7/2020

Friday, 2/7/2020 the school will be taking a field trip to the Holocaust Museum.

This will be a FREE DRESS DAY


We should be back between 3:30-3:45 P M

Chinese New Years

Since we have Friday, January 24th off, the school will be celebrating the Chinese New Year on Monday, January 27th.  Lunch will be provided by the school, but students may have to work for their lunch.  Students SHOULD NOT bring lunch on that day.






Monday, Jan. 27 will be school as usual, same time, same place


First Semester Finals Schedule

Notice the first two days have later start times, but the school will be open at normal start time

Tuesday, Jan. 21

10:20-12:05    Period 1

  1:30-3:15      Period 6 (M & W)


Wednesday, Jan 22

10:20-12:05    Period 2

  1:30- 3:15     Period 6 (T & Th)


Thursday, Jan. 23

8:30-10:15      Period 3

10:20-12:05    Period 4


Free Dress Day (within handbook guidelines) on ALL final test days


Normal schedule resumes Monday, January 27th.


End of year Calendar

The end of 2019 is almost here, and then we will be starting a new decade. 

Here are a few important dates to remember:

1. Christmas dinner is Thursday 12/19/19 at 5:30 pm. All students, parents, and homestays are invited.

2. Friday, 12/20/19 will be a HALF DAY.  Homestay please make arrangements to have your students picked up by 12:15 pm.

3. The school's Christmas break begins on the afternoon of 12/20/19 and continues through 1/5/20. The FIRST DAY BACK is Monday 1/6/20.

4. Friday, 1/17/20 will be a HALF DAY, please make arrangements to get picked up.

5. Monday, 1/20/20 there is NO SCHOOL in celebration of MLK DAY.

6. Starting on Tuesday, 1/21/20 and through Thursday 1/23/20 all students will be taking FINALS. These will be shorter days, and all students will be given the finals schedule when they return from Christmas vacation. 


It is Christmas time and that means it is time for the school's annual Christmas dinner.  This year the dinner will be on Thursday 12/19/19 starting at 5:30 P. M.  Attendance is required of all students.  We hope that all of our homestays will be able to join us for dinner.  After dinner, the students will be providing some entertainment. We should complete the dinner and entertainment in about 1 and 1/2 hours so that everyone will have an early evening. 

I am looking forward to seeing everyone

Richard Swanson


WASC accreditation visit this week

Attention Homestays, students and parents, WASC the accreditation group responsible for the schools in California, will be visiting our school beginning on Sunday, November 17th.  The team will meet with the accreditation team for FPS for dinner to get to know one another prior to beginning their formal visit on Monday 18th.  WASC is charged with the responsibility to review a school's "self-study" that had been conducted over the previous year.  This self-study includes taking a critical look at our school, both those things we do well, and those that we need to improve.  To support the school's conclusions, data was gathered from all of our national testing, student, homestay, and teacher surveys.

At the end of the visit, the committee will meet with the staff to discuss their observations and possibly make recommendations for work that needs more work. 

On Friday a letter was sent home informing all homestays that school will be dismissed at 3:30 P. M. on both Monday the 18th and Tuesday 19th so that the staff can meet with the visiting WASC team.  On Wednesday, November 20th the school will resume its normal schedule.  

if anyone has any questions concerning the change of schedule, please call the office on Monday, 11/18/19 (626) 282-9936.


Richard Swanson



End of First Quarter

Friday, Oct. 25th will be the end of the first quarter.  Teachers will be working to update sycamore with all of the data needed to determine the students' grades.  All grades will be posted no later than Wed. 10/30/19.

If any student has not turned in all of their homework, NOW would be the time to give it to your teacher.  Some points are better than no points.  


Early dismissal 10/3/19

To all students and homestays: 

On Thursday, 10/3/19 the teachers will be working to complete our WASC self-study paperwork.  This study is done every 6 years with all private and public schools.  Our visit from the team will be in late November.  The team reads our paper prior to coming to our school, this helps them be familiar with the school and the goals we have set for ourselves.  Therefore, all students will be dismissed on Thursday at 3:45 P.MPlease make arrangements to pick up your student at that time.

Richard Swanson





Student council elections

Attention Students: This Friday (9/20/19) is ELECTION DAY for student council.  If you still want to run for student council you must first pick up an application from Mr. Swanson and return it to him by Thursday 9/19. 

During the chapel period, all candidates will give a SHORT speech telling everyone why students should vote for them.  After the speeches, all students will vote.

Start Dates for 2019-2020 school year

Returning Students

August 23, 2019 (Friday) All returning students will report to school to pick up your new class schedule and books.

August 26, 2019 (Monday) First day of class for all students

August 30, 2019 (Friday) and Monday, Sept. 2, 2019, NO SCHOOL (Monday is the Labor Day Holiday)


All New Students (including transfers)

August 19 or 20, 2019, Check-in at school

August 21-22 2019, placement tests for assigning your class schedule

August 23, 2019, Report to school to pick up your class schedule and books

August 26, 2019 (Monday) First day of class for all students


August 30, 2019 (Friday) and Monday, Sept. 2, 2019, NO SCHOOL (Monday is the Labor Day Holiday)


If you have any questions about these dates please call the school at 626-282-9936


See you in August


Mr. Swanson




Congratulations to all of our seniors, who on June 6, 2019, completed their high school years and are now alumni for Foothill Preparatory School. They are the first class to graduate from our new school location, they have a place in our school's history.

All members of the school staff wish our graduates continued success at their new school.  Come back to visit and let us know how you are doing.


Finals schedule

Finals schedule for the second semester 2019

Mon. 6/3  10:20 to 12:05 parts 1 & 2 PERIOD 1

   "     "    1:30 to 3:23  parts 1 & 2 PERIOD 6 (M/W)

Tue. 6/4  10:20 to 12:05  parts 1 & 2 PERIOD 2

   "     "    1:30  to  3:25   Parts 1 & 2 PERIOD 6 (TU/TH)

Wed. 6/5  8:30 to 10:15  Parts 1 & 2 PERIOD 3

   "      "   10:20 to 12:05 Parts 1 & 2 PERIOD 4




Thur. 6/6 starting at 1:30 all students will have an exit interview and return their books 

(see the schedule posted next week for your time to show up

6/6 5:30 pm Graduation ceremony for the class of 2019  SENIORS BE AT SCHOOL BY 5:00 PM 


In observance of "Good Friday," FPS will be on a 1/2 schedule.  Classes will end at 12:05 and the school will be closed.  We want to wish all of our students, their homestays, and our staff a very blessed Easter Sunday.

We will see all of our students back at school on Monday, April 22nd at 8:30 am.

Next Friday, April 26 is also a 1/2 day.  Teachers will be participating in staff development session.  Lucky students get to go home early.

March dates to remember

Dates to remember in March 2019.

1. March 27th is SAT testing

2. March 29th is the last day of the 3rd quarter.  If you have any outstanding homework NOW is the time to turn it in.

3. March 29th is the field trip day for the 3rd quarter.  This will be a free dress day in keeping with the handbook.

Camilla Festival in Temple City

This weekend Temple City will hold its "Camilla Festival".  This is an annual event that has a parade on Saturday from 8:00 am to 11:00.  Starting Friday at about 5:00 PM the Temple City Park, by the Library, there will be many game booths, rides, food booths, and food trucks.  This festival runs Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday from noon to about 7:00 PM.  If you have some free time, you may want to check out the games, rides and the food booths.

February Calendar update

This is an update to the school calendar.  Picture Day was scheduled for Friday 2/15/19; however, it has been cancelled and will be rescheduled when the caps and gowns arrive.  Friday 2/15 will be a half day (dismissed at 12:05) because Monday 2/18 is President's day and is a federal holiday, so NO SCHOOL  on 2/18.  Friday 2/22 is also a 1/2 day, this is a professional development day for the staff. 

Special upcoming dates

There are some very special dates in January at everyone needs to be aware of.  First, Friday 1/18/19 is a 1/2 day, school will be dismissed at the end of 4th period (12:05 pm) this is a "teacher development day".  Monday, 1/21 is the MLK holiday and there will be NO SCHOOL on that day.

Finals will begin the day after the holiday, starting on Tuesday 1/22 through Thursday 1/24.  The daily schedule for this semester's finals has been posted around the school. If you have any questions please ask a teacher or come to the office.

After the finals are over, on Friday 1/25 we will celebrate with an activity day.  All students are required to be at school on Friday 1/25, and please be on time.

Christmas Break

The Christmas Break will begin Dec. 22, 2018 and will end on Jan. 6, 2019.  The first day of school after the break will be Jan. 7, 2019.

Any student who will be traveling outside of the United States during the break must report their schedule to the school.  Any student traveling outside or within the United States must have their passport and their I-20 with them at all times.

To all our students, parents, staff, and homestays, we wish you a very blessed Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.

Richard Swanson and Lily Liu


December events

We only have 6 1/2 days left of school until our Christmas Break!

On Thursday, Dec. 20th the school will be celebrating it's annual Christmas Dinner.  The dinner will be held in the parish hall and will begin at 5:30 pm.  It should be finished by 7:00 pm.  All students MUST attend, it is a school event.  All parents and homestays are also invited to celebrate this season with the school.

Friday, Dec. 21st will be a 1/2 day.  All students MUST attend!  The activities for the day will be set up by the student council.  The dress code for both Thursday (20th) and Friday (21st) will be FREE DRESS! according to the handbook.

Half day Friday Nov. 9th

On Friday, November 9th the school will have a 1/2 day.  We will be leaving campus for an outdoor activity and return to campus about noon.  Students will be released from school at that time.

Students should dress comfortably, wear tennis shoes or something with non-skid soles.  Students should also bring a water bottle and a snack.

The following Monday, November 12 is a Federal Holiday called Veterans Day and the school will be closed in celebration of the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States military.

Halloween Party Oct 31

The school will host a Halloween party on Oct. 31 from 3:30 to 5:00 pm.

On  Wednesday, Oct. 31 students may choose to wear a costume to school.  If you choose not to wear a costume, you must wear your uniform.  Check with each of your teachers to see if you may earn "extra credit" for wearing a costume.

The party will include, snacks, drinks, and games.  All students are required to remain at school and participate.  Students who leave school before the party is over will serve a detention on Friday.  The party is a school event and must be attended.


1st quarter ends in 3 weeks

FPS's first quarter ends on Friday, November 2nd. Now is the time for all students to check with their teachers to make sure they have all of their homework completed, and if not, what is missing and is it still possible to turn it in for some credit.

I am sure all students will have multiple tests in the next 3 weeks.  Make sure you set aside time to study, to push your current grade higher.



On Wed. 10/24/18 all 9-11 grade students will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT in the morning. This test could qualify a student for a possible scholarship to be used at college.   All students must be to school on time.  The test will take most of the morning if not all of it. All seniors MUST  be at school also.  You will attend your normal schedule of classes, and the afternoon will be the standard schedule for a Wednesday.  

Field trip Friday 10/12/18

This Friday,10/12/18 the school will be taking its first field trip of the year.  All students MUST be at school by 8:25 am so we will be ready to go by 8:30.  This is a free dress day but within the rules of the handbook. We will first go to the Grammy Museum, and then we will leave there and go to Hollywood Blvd. were we have lunch, shop, and look at the "sidewalk" at the Chinese theater with the names and footprints of old Hollywood stars.   We hope to be back to school between 3:30 and 4:00 depending on traffic.

News for Friday Sept 28th

On Friday, Sept. 28th morning classes will be the same as usual; however, after lunch at 12:55 all seniors will meet in Mr. Saddler's room (4) to get information concerning college applications, both 4-year schools and junior colleges.

Grades 9-11 will meet in Mr. Sun's room (7) to take the practice PSAT.  This test should last until about 4:00 pm.  Make sure your homestay/parent knows that you will be at school later than a normal Friday.

There will be no chapel on this date.  


News for Friday Sept 28th

On Friday, Sept. 28th morning classes will be the same as usual; however, after lunch at 12:55 all seniors will meet in Mr. Saddler's room (4) to get information concerning college applications, both 4-year schools and junior colleges.

Grades 9-11 will meet in Mr. Sun's room (7) to take the practice PSAT.  This test should last until about 4:00 pm.  Make sure your homestay/parent knows that you will be at school later than a normal Friday.

There will be no chapel on this date.  


News for Friday Sept 28th

On Friday, Sept. 28th morning classes will be the same as usual; however, after lunch at 12:55 all seniors will meet in Mr. Saddler's room (4) to get information concerning college applications, both 4-year schools and junior colleges.

Grades 9-11 will meet in Mr. Sun's room (7) to take the practice PSAT.  This test should last until about 4:00 pm.  Make sure your homestay/parent knows that you will be at school later than a normal Friday.

There will be no chapel on this date.  


News for Friday Sept 28th

On Friday, Sept. 28th morning classes will be the same as usual; however, after lunch at 12:55 all seniors will meet in Mr. Saddler's room (4) to get information concerning college applications, both 4-year schools and junior colleges.

Grades 9-11 will meet in Mr. Sun's room (7) to take the practice PSAT.  This test should last until about 4:00 pm.  Make sure your homestay/parent knows that you will be at school later than a normal Friday.

There will be no chapel on this date.  


First day at a new school

Welcome back to all of our students!

On Tuesday 9/4 will begin a new chapter in the life of our school.  Staff and students will have their first full day of classes in our new building.  The school has been working for a number of years, looking for a building that looked like and felt like a school in order to provide our students a suitable environment to study and have a productive high school experience.  I know the staff is excited about the change, and I hope all of our students will share that same feeling.

Homestays have two choices when dropping off their students at the school. They can drop them off on Noel, the street that runs alongside the school, at the open gate between the school and the parish hall building, or they can enter the parking lot on Noel near the basketball court at the end of the building.  If you enter the parking lot, you can drop your student off in front of the double glass doors and then continue around the parking lot and exit where you came in.  This rule was set up by the City of Temple City to keep our traffic away from the Pre-school located next to the church.

The first period still begins at 8:30 am (there is a warning bell at 8:25).  If you are late, and the double doors are closed, you must walk along the school building going south (away) from the mountains and enter through that door.  You will see Daisy as you enter, but I am hoping NO ONE will be late on the first day.

Have a GREAT end of the summer, and we will see everyone on Tuesday, September 4th at 8:30 or EARLIER !!!

Mr. Swanson     

Schedule and book pickup

TO ALL STUDENTS:  On Thursday, 8/30/18 you are required to come to school and pick up your schedule and books for this coming year.  You will also be assigned a locker.  Time to pick up schedules and books is from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. For most of you, this will be the first time you will see our NEW SCHOOL LOCATION.   The school is now using the building that formally the school of First Lutheran School of Temple City.  

The address of the school is 9123 Broadway, Temple City CA 91780.  The school's phone number, fax, Sycamore site all remain the same. 

AP Class Schedule

For students enrolled in either AP Environmental Science or AP US History.


Both classes will meet on the following days:

August 20-24

August 27-31

AP Environmental Science:  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

AP US History:  1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Start Dates for 2018-2019 school year

I hope everyone is having a great summer break.  This is just a reminder that the school year for most students will begin on Sept. 4, 2018.  Those students who will be taking an AP course, your school year begins a little earlier to make sure all the material is covered.  You will begin your AP  on Aug. 20, 2018.

Enjoy the rest of the summer, and we will see you in the fall.


Mr. Swanson

Calendar Updates for May 2018

There are only TWO more weeks of school remaining for the 2017-2018 school year.  The is an update on events that will have during those two weeks.

The following is the Finals Schedule for the second semester.

Wed. 5/23 8:30-11:30   Per 1

                1:00-3:30     Per 5

Thur 5/24  8:30-11:00   Per 2

                 1:00- 3:30   Per 6

Fri. 5/25     8:30-11:00  Per 3

                  1:00- 3:30  Per 7


Tue. 5/ 29   8:30-11:00 Per 4

Students may go home after they have been dismissed from their last final of the day.

FIELD TRIP  The last field trip of the school year will be on Wednesday, May 30th.  All students MUST attend, the bus will be leaving for the beach at 8:30 am. and return about 4 pm.

Thursday, May 31 ALL STUDENTS must do an exit interview with a member of the staff.  After the interview, the student will return all the school books and locks.   

Graduation: Will be on Friday, June 1st in the Church beginning at 5:00 PM. All students MUST attend, and all host families are welcome to come and celebrate this milestone event in the lives of our graduates.  

Change in ACT Aspire testing

The school had scheduled to give grades 9-11 the ACT Aspire national test in the morning on April 18 and 19; however, we have had to move the testing to Tuesday May 1 and Wednesday May 2nd.  The testing will still be for grades 9-11 in the morning of those days. This testing is mandatory, all students in these grades MUST attend. ALL students, including Seniors, will attend their normal afternoon classes on those two days.

Picture Day

PICTURE DAY reminder!!!  Pictures will be taken on Wednesday, April 11.  Make sure you at school on time.  We will be taking a bus to the park for pictures.  ALL students must be in uniform, that means a white shirt, black pants, and black shoes.  Seniors should also wear white shirts.  We will return to school and have class in the afternoon.

Change for Picture DAy

Do to the weather (RAIN), the school has had to change our picture day from tomorrow to April 11, 2018.  Tomorrow, March 23 will still be a HALF DAY. Our school will be dismissed on Friday, March 23 at 12:05 pm.

Yearbook Photos


The change was necessary to make sure the Yearbook is done on time.

On Friday, March 23, the school will go to where we normally take yearbook pictures of the whole student body and staff.  Students MUST wear uniforms.  Individual pictures of the Seniors will also be taken at this time.  

All student MUST be to school on time. A bus will take us to and from the park.   This is scheduled for a HALF DAY. 


Third quarter field trip

On Friday, March 9th the school will be taking its third field trip of the year.  We will be going to San Diego.  Since the trip is longer than most of our trips, we will have a smaller bus with a bathroom.  This should make the ride much easier.

We will need our students to be at school by 7:00 am so we can make our appointment to visit the MIDWAY.  Make sure you have sunscreen, water, snacks, and money for lunch.  We will not have a mircowave available for our use.  We should be back by 5:00 pm is the traffic is not to bad.


President's Day No School

On Friday, Feb. 16, 2018, the school will be dismissed at 12:05 pm. (1/2 day), because Monday, Feb. 19 is President's Day and the school will be closed.  Most city, state, federal offices and banks will also be closed on Monday for the holiday.

We will see you on Tuesday, Feb 20th at 8:30 am.

Day off from School/FINALS SCHEDULE

Monday January 15th is Martin Luther King Day, which means the school will be closed for that holiday.  In fact on Friday January 12 the school will close at noon (1/2 day) leading up to the Monday holiday.

School will resume on Tuesday January 16th with our first day of finals.


Tuesday 1/16/18

8:30-11:00       Period 1

1:00-3:30         Period 5

 Wednesday 1/17/18

8:30-11:00       Period 2

1:00-3:30         Period 6

Thursday 1/18/18

8:30-11:00       Period 3

1:00-3:30         Period 7

Friday 1/19/18

8:30-11:00       Period 4

Friday is the last day of the First Semester.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone,

Today, Dec. 21 is the last day of school before we take our "Christmas Vacation" which concludes on Jan. 7, 2018.  For those students who will be going home, or are leaving the area during this period, I want to remind you that school starts again on Monday Jan. 8, 2018 and no one will be excused for missing school on that date.

I pray that everyone, both staff and students, have a blessed Christmas vacation. Be safe and we will see you next year!


Mr. Swanson 

School Field Trip

The school will be taking it's second field trip on the year on Friday Dec. 15th.  All students need to be to school by 8:00 A M. We will be going to the Ronald Reagan Lib. in Simi Valley.  Our students will participate in the "Situation Room" experience, and then view the rest of the library.  

ALL students need to bring a "sack lunch" to eat at the library.  

Our goal is to be back to school between 4:00-4:30 PM

Christmas Dinner

Thursday, 12/14/17 starting at 5:30 the school will hold it's annual Christmas Dinner.  All home stays are invited to join their students to celebrate the birth of Christ with this meal.  Each student need to turn in the form telling the school how many people from your household to expect.

After dinner some of our students will share their talents with us.

The evening should conclude before 7:30. 

Day left until Christmas Break

There are only 19 days until we have our Christmas break.  All students MUST wear their uniform to school every day, expect on Friday 12/15 when we will go on our second field trip on the year. (more about that trip next week)  If you fail  to wear your uniform, you are subject to serving a detention on that Friday, so dress right and leave early.

Thanksgiving Lunch celebration

On Friday November 17th, the school will hold it's traditional THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON.  Students and staff will celebrate this holiday by eating a traditional Thanksgiving feast of Turkey, Potatoes, Cream Corn Casserole, Green Salad, Green Beans and Bacon, sprout Mac and Cheese and Pumpkin pie. The celebration should be over by 1:15 P M.

Friday November 17th is also the last day before the school begins it's Thanksgiving Break.  There is no school from Nov. 20th-24th.  The school office will be CLOSED.   

School resumes on Monday November 27th.

Veterans Day

This coming Friday, November 10,2017 the school will be CLOSED  for the observance of VETERANS DAY.  This is a day we honor the men and women who are and have served the United States by being a member of one of our military branches.

School will resume it's normal hours on Monday November 13th.  

Halloween Student council event

ALL STUDENTS MUST STAY AT SCHOOL FOR THE STUDENT COUNCIL HALLOWEEN EVENT.  The event will be over about 4:45 pm.  There will be food and drinks, customs to judge, and a movie.

Any student who chooses not to stay, will meet on Friday for a detention.

Half day on Friday Oct.27th

This Friday, October 27, 2017 will be a half day.  Students will be dismissed AFTER the forth period (12:05 P M).  The staff will be attending a WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) seminar in the afternoon.  In the spring of 2019 will have a visit from a team from WASC to evaluate our school for Accreditation purposes.  The last time WASC was here, the school earned a 6 year accreditation, which is the maximum and we are preparing to earn it again. 

The school will remain open for those students who can't be picked up at this time.  School will close at 4:00 P.M.

Sports Day on Friday 10/20/17

Friday October 20th will be a "sports day" for students at Foothill Prep.  This is a mandatory school day.  Attendance will be taken in the first class.  This is a FREE DRESS DAY, dress for activity.  This will be a half day, 8:30 am to 12:00 pm (Noon)  The school will be open for those students who do not have a way to get home, but the office will close at 4:00pm.

Attention All Seniors

Attention all seniors, on Oct 11th when the rest of the students will be taking their PSAT TEST, you will be meeting with Mr. Saddler in room 205 to work on your college search and applications.  Some college accept the "common application" while others have their own.  Even if you are currently thinking about attending a junior college, you need to start searching the Internet for their application and other requirements.  Seniors are required to be at school until lunch time, then you may leave. 


ALL 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be taking the PSAT test on Wednesday Oct. 11, 2017.  Please be on time for the first period.  The testing including filling out the personal information, the breaks, and the test itself should be completed about 12:00 pm.  After the testing, you are free to go. Students must remain in the classroom until the teacher has collected all of the tests. Please let your home stays know about this early dismissal. 

First Field Trip

 Friday Oct. 6, 2017 will be the school's first field trip of the year.  We will be going to the Getty Center.  Students do not need to wear uniforms; however, all students must comply with the field trip dress code.  All students MUST be a school at 8:30am for their first period class.  After class we will board the bus to the Getty.  Please bring a sack lunch OR money to buy your lunch at the center.  Lunch time at the center will be at 11:00 am and then we will break into our groups for the tour.  Each student will have a headphone that will discuss what they are seeing, the language will be English or Mandarin.  NO BACKPACKS OR PENS ARE PERMITTED.

Attention home stays: We hope to leave the Getty about 3:00 pm and be back to school around 5:00pm.

Student Council Election


Spark Jiang

Arielle Li

Laura Xu 

William Liu

Leo Li



This Friday, 9/29 ALL 9th-11th grade students will be taking the practice PAST test.  This will start at 12:45 and will take about 3+ hours.  Students will get out of school a little later than a normal Friday, more like 4:00-4:15.  On this same day the seniors will be meeting will Ms. Lily to talk about things they need to be doing now to apply to colleges.  They will meet DURING the lunch time, and will be dismissed when they are done (there will be no chapel on this Friday)

Next week Oct. 6th will be our first field trip of the year.  The school will be going to the Getty museum.  Students need to be on time so the bus can have enough time to get us to the Getty for our appointed time.  We will be leaving the Getty about 2:30.  We know traffic will be Friday heavy, but we hope to be back to school by 4:30.  Uniforms are not required for field trips; however, there are guidelines in the handbook.   

The First Week is Over !

Congratulations!!! You made it through the first week of school.  You may have had a quiz or two, and I am sure you had homework.  All this means is that you are starting to build up your grades for the year.  This year the school has started a "study with your teacher" program on Monday-Wednesday.  This program will be mandatory for any student who is behind in their homework, or who is getting D or less in the class.  This study time may also be used by those students who want to get some help from their teacher in order to raise their grade.  The time for this "study hall" is from 3:40 to 5:00 PM on Mon-Wed.  Our teachers hope that they only students they will see are those who are trying to better their grade, not those who must be there because of their grade.

Student counsel elections are scheduled for Sept.22 (Friday).  If any student is interested, start planning your campaign for the week of Sept. 18th.  The office will have the rules for those interested students ready for pick up on Monday Sept 11th.

Thursday schedule this year for the time 3-5 PM consists of 2 club periods.  

Fridays will be our short day.  As in the past, after lunch we will meet for Chapel or for an assembly in the youth building.  Students will be dismissed when the event is over, usually about 1:45 PM. 

School is almost here

New students need to check in by August 22, 2017.  Placement testing will be on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 beginning at 9:00 AM.  Please be on time.  Returning students need to pick up their books and schedules on Friday, August 25, 2017.  Please wear your uniform for your yearbook and ID pictures.