Registration/Contract Days

Tuition contract/Registration days will be Monday, August 12th from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Tuesday, August 13th from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 

Summer mailings are being prepared to send out in July.  We ask you to continue to encourage new families to enroll with the North Platte Catholic schools.




Dear Catholic School Family,

Thank you for choosing the North Platte Catholic Schools! We hope your family has enjoyed a wonderful school year, with plans to enroll again for the 2024/2025 year. The Board of Education is also preparing for the next school year by reviewing curriculum, staffing, activities, and the operating budget for our school system.


It is our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources with which God has blessed us. Thus, the Board, school administration, and pastors have created an application process for families wishing to receive tuition assistance for next school year. This is a confidential process, and all applications are reviewed anonymously. Tuition assistance will be awarded based on need, fund criteria, and the amount of funds available. This in-depth application process will ensure that the funds given to us by our Parishes, donors, and endowment are distributed fairly and responsibly to the families who need them most. Applications may be submitted online through the link provided below, e-mailed to: k.dodson@npcschools.org, or returned to the main office at St. Pat’s High School.




Link to online application: https://form.jotform.com/231154081176046


Link to pdf application:PDF Tuition Application


A complete application must be submitted in order to be considered for any of the available tuition assistance options/funds. Also, please note that your application must include the following:

[ ] Copy of most recently filed 1040 Tax Return [ ] Copy of Current Pay Stubs


*If submitting a paper application, please enclose all documents in a sealed envelope and return to the St. Pat’s High School Office (500 S. Silber).

*Also, remember that it is important for you to be current on the tuition you negotiated for 2023/2024 before you submit a new application for assistance. Your commitment to your current tuition is very important in next year’s process.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your pastor or the superintendent:

Kevin Dodson, North Platte Catholic Schools, 308-532-1874

Father Jonathan Sorensen, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, 308-532-0942

Father Sagar, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 308-534-6623


We appreciate your understanding and teamwork in this process. Together, we will be able to continue to educate our children in our amazing, faith-based Catholic school!



Kevin J. Dodson, Superintendent – North Platte Catholic Schools

Stephan Budke, President – North Platte Catholic Schools Board of Education



It is our school policy that ALL student athletes travel with their team to all events.


If you are planning to have your student travel home with you from any event (sports, cheer and dance), it is required to present the Travel Waiver prior to the event!