Newburgh Christian Academy
  Equipping All Our Students to Achieve Their Full Potential
New student inquiry

We are excited that you and your family are interested in Newburgh Christian Academy.  Please take time to fill out the following information and then hit the 'submit' button. This will appear to bump you to AOL, but has sent the school notification of your. inquiry.  We will get with you shortly to continue the admissions process.
May God bless as you search for the right school for your family!  

 Parent / Guardian Information
Title Title
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Address Address
City City
State/Region State/Region
Zip/Postal Code Zip/Postal Code
Country Country
Home Phone Home Phone
Work Phone Work Phone
Cell Phone Cell Phone
Email Email
Relationship Relationship
 Student Information
FirstMiddleLastDOBCurrent GradeGender
 Additional Information
How did you hear about NCA?
Indiana Choice Scholarship