United Faith Christian Academy
   Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Colossians 3:23 NLT
Request a Tour

Thank you for your interest in United Faith Christian Academy - home of the Falcons!



Admissions Tours Available by Appointment


Kindergarten - 12th grade for the 2020-2021 school year


Please contact Admissions Director:

Mireidy Carthen 

704.541.1742 Ext 203




For Preschool 2's, 3's, 4's, & TK Tours & Information

Please contact Preschool Director:

Mrs. Christine LaFrancois

704.541.1742 Ext 213


 Parent / Guardian Information
Title Title
First Name First Name
Last Name Last Name
Address Address
City City
State/Region State/Region
Zip/Postal Code Zip/Postal Code
Country Country
Home Phone Home Phone
Work Phone Work Phone
Cell Phone Cell Phone
Email Email
Relationship Relationship
 Student Information
FirstMiddleLastDOBCurrent GradeGender
 Additional Information
Employer *Father
Employer *Mother
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